miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012

Escuela 21 DE 17 "Rompehielos Gral. San Martín"

Celebrating Christmas.

Escuela 21 DE 17 "Rompehielos Gral. san Martín"

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Escuela 21 DE 17 "Rompehielos Gral. san Martín"

We watched the film "Wall-E" and after that we started thinking on how to take care of our home: the Earth. Students in 6th form were worried about the climate change so they investigated to what extent human activities influence or accelerate that change.
Other students thought that we should do something to reduce pollution and they decided to create toys from recycled materials.
In 3rd and 4th form, we reflected on the importance of our planet's priceless resource: water. We studied the water cycle and we discussed some tips in order to avoid wasting it.

Escuela 21 de 17 "Rompehielos Gral. San Martín"

We want to share our version of  "Imagine" (John Lennon).


This video shows the different tasks carried out by our sudents within the "Olympic Games Project".